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Saturday, April 7, 2012

How to make your own paper storage rack

My Video is at the bottom of this post~
Hello there!  So I have been in search of a paper storage rack for a long time.  Like the ones that are in Hobby Lobby.  I've looked on ebay ect. for one and they are $100-$200.  What!?  Yeah, so my husband was at Mernards, and they were having a moving sale.  (They built a new Super Mernards down the road).  I asked he to search for these racks because all displays were being sold.  Well he found what I wanted, but it was already sold. :-(  So I searched on youtube in hopes to find how other people placed there paper in storage.  And I saw on one lady's video a rack that she converted into what I was looking for.  So I decided to do it too and make a video on it. :)

I bought this storage unit at Kmart for around $22.  I searched Walmart in all different departments and they had none.  I got aggravated because the sales associates were not helpful at all.  So what did I do, I went to Kmart.  Were they ladies were tickled pink, about the whole situation and how they love it when people go to Kmart to get what they need because Walmart doesn't have something. 

This is what you need.  The wire storage cube set,  zip ties, and scissors.

Putting together is pretty self explanatory.  Easy.   Place the corner brackets on the bottom panel, all four corners.  Place the next panel inside those same brackets and so on and so on. 

 When you create the 3 shelves, the next step is to take the remaining panels and zip tie them to the inside of the top  shelf.  Start at the top and work your way down..  Going on each wire which is about 1" apart.  This will give you the appropriate spacing.  You could even skip one to have a larger shelf.  I zip tied them to shelf, but I did not tighten them all the way till I had the shelf completely connected.  Then I tightened them.  I didn't cut off the ends until all shelves were on, just to re-tighten them if needed.  Then I trimmed off the ends of the zip ties.

I ran out of shelves, so I'm going to have to get another cube set to complete the whole system.  I should get around 20 more shelves and that's including a 4 tier on top. 

Here's my video on how I did it all.  Hope you like!
Enjoy! :)


  1. It’s very easy to put that storage set together. Having that simple rack for storage will work very well for my office ‘cause I really need racks and boxes for storing financial documents and other important write-ups. The only thing that I lack is time – time to sort out my things and place them in boxes or racks. :D

    [ Ruby Badcoe ]

  2. love the name ruby my 6 year old daughters name is Ruby. Anyway, thanks for the idea! My husband is building me my scraproom and I am looking for paper storage that is easy to see the paper like at a scrap store. How ever, it is veeeeerrrrry expensive. Thanks
